
WP Mashsocial Widget Updated to Ver 1.8.0

Recently I was by a set of people that Google’s circle me Badge was not showing up. I read the API and it read different. Google Updated it on 10th of August (Gradual Update). So, after working two hours I figured out some solution and has added an asynchronous JavaScript to improve the page load time. I […]


JShortcodes : FREE WordPress Plugin for Shortcodes

Yesterday a member of’s Facebook Group asked for help, his question was about any shortcodes plugin that can help in outputting Columns layout. So, today I am sharing my favorite plugin in relation to shortcodes that is FREE and it comes with masive amount of shortcodes. JShortcodes : FREE WordPress Plugin with Massive Ammount of Shortcodes […]

Plugins Stuff

WordPress Plugin London Olympics Medal Tally 2012

Everyone is excited about the Olympics Sports 2012 happening in London these. To increase the engagement on your WordPress Blog you can add a set of Medals won by different countries in this Olympics till now. Doing this on your own will be a cumbersome job. So, you should think of using a plugin that […]

Blogging Plugins Tutorials

How to Install a WordPress Plugin

How to Install a WordPress Plugin Hello & Welcome to the screen-cast series on WordPress Basics. This screen cast is an ultimate guide about installing, disabling and deleting a WordPress Plugin. Details: Level: Beginners Level Required: It requires a WordPress Blog pre-installed Two hands & one brain :P No other knowledge of anything is required [ad]

Plugins Stuff

Embed Excel, Word, PDFs, PowerPoint, and More in WordPress

MW3QKS35NTQV A lot of people question about how to add/embed Excel, Word, PDFs, Powerpoint and such other stuff in WordPress. I used to tell them custom solutions to do this stuff. Most of the beginners find it hard to add the shortcodes inside the functions.php so, I decided to share a plugin with you people […]


WP Mashsocial Widget Ver 1.7.0 Minor Update

  [Updated Ver 1.6.0 ]WordPress WP Mashsocial Widget By Ahmad Awais WordPress WP Mashsocial Widget By Ahmad Awais is abeautiful widget inspired by Mashable to be used in sidebar, it allows you to add your G+ , Twitter , Facebook ,Pinterest and Feeds Subscription in it . NEW Ver = 1.7.0 =  Leave IDs Blank […]

Plugins WordPress

Add the Featured Image Automatically in WordPress

If you are one of the WordPress users, you might know about the featured image in the Write post panel. Today I will tell you how to set a featured image automaitcally in your blog post. Some people find this task quite boring and time consuming to a speacial featured image to there blog post […]

Plugins Tips of Freaks

Facebook Official WordPress Plugin

Facebook Official WordPress Plugin has been released you can use it to get a lot of advantgaes like tagging your friends in the posts or may be tagging some pages from facebook.The good thing is its stable version 1.0 has been released so far to get more than 10K jobs in India site can […]

Plugins Themes Tips of Freaks Tutorials WordPress

WordPress 3.4 NEW Features: Welcome to WordPress 3.4

If you haven't actually noted it up-till  now , then I would be very pleased to let you know that WordPress 3.4 is live now.You gotta update it right now.It is one of the massive updates but I found it very nice and easy.This update will also update your WordPress Database , don't worry you […]

Plugins Tips of Freaks

WP No Frames Plugin / Break Frames Plugin For WordPress

Just a handy plugin with which your site will not be iframed by anyone not even in Google Images :P A lot of people are looking for this code, it is simple but I have made a plugin out if it.Why a plugin for a code that is so easy to to iniject in your […]

Plugins Tips of Freaks

Freakify Started Using Comment Luv !

Yes, I finally decided to give a shot to this plugin.I hope it won't let me down.I have been asking through few of my friends over different social media about this change, they suggest me to try it, as they themselves are using it with zeal and zest.So, finally after shifting Freakify to litespeed servers […]

Plugins WordPress

{Plugin} Re-order Your WordPress Posts In Minutes

If you want to Re-order Your WordPress Posts In Minutes then there is a nice plugin available for it in the WordPress respository.Some of you will ask the questions like why and what? I must say here, use this plugin when you want to reorder your posts to show some specific and important post before the […]