
WP Mashsocial Widget Updated to Ver 1.8.0


Recently I was by a set of people that Google’s circle me Badge was not showing up. I read the API and it read different. Google Updated it on 10th of August (Gradual Update). So, after working two hours I figured out some solution and has added an asynchronous JavaScript to improve the page load time. I hope so the plugin will work fine now.

Ver 1.8.0

Ver = 1.8.0 =

*Issue with Google Plus Circle resolved (Google API Updated)
*Asynchronous Loading (To increase Page Speed)
*Leave IDs Blank to Remove them.
*Relation Publisher Updated
*Google Add to circle Options Added.

What about Version 2.0?

Yes I am working over it. WP Mashsocial will meet a major upgrade. A pro version is about to be launched. Two new FREE widgets for WordPress by me are just ready. Its strange that so many people are enjoying my plugin and none has ever donated for it.


If you want to donate GO Ahead :

Donate WP Mashsocial Widget.By donating you show our love for this plugin. You can keep my coding wheel working :) My blog hosting costs me a lot. Secondly I drink a lot of coffee while coding :)




Main View


Read More:

If you want to read more about this plugin go here

By Freakify Editorial

The post was written by the Freakify Editorial Team. used to be managed by Awais, Maedah and their team before its acquisition.

25 replies on “WP Mashsocial Widget Updated to Ver 1.8.0”

You have done nice work and this may help many people around and this widget may help google circle to make better community like FB.

I was also having a problem by Google circle me badge, but after updating to latest version today It’s fixed now and showing perfectly.

Thanks for launching the latest version. I hope the 2.0 version will come with more features.

Thanks so much for this plugin! I have two quick questions if that’s ok:

1. Is there a way to get “RSS Feed” to align to the left?

2. Is there a way I can change the width ONLY for tablets like the iPad? The width on my site is great, but is too big when reading on iPad. Thanks!


Well, I didn’t understand first question, coz the RSS FEED link is already on the left.
For iPad you need to make it responsive which will be quite a task.

The RSS Feed shows on the left, but not aligned on the left side of the widget, it has some padding in there. I wanted to get it aligned.

I would LOVE to make this responsive! If you can please provide me with the directions, I don’t mind editing the code, etc. to get this done. Can you please help?



Hi Ahmad,

You have an awesome plugin. I recently ran into some problems though. I can’t seem to get the facebook like and the images of current friends to show anymore. Can you please help me out? Thanks!


I’m working on a site, and installed your widget plugin, version 1.8.6.

For some reason i’m not seeing any of the “width” options under advanced. The widget is also huge in width, when displaying on the website. And it seems that it is missing the top too.

I’m using the latest wp version, and the facebook data itself displays exactly like it should.

Know what is wrong? Thanks :)

Is there anyway to change the Facebook plugin from Like to Subscription. Instead of a Page, how do I enable this for a profile with a high subscription count?

Awesome plugin my friend. Hope you can help me with one small issue. I have the plugin showing the way I like it. But there is a huge gap between it and the widget above it. There is nothing between them and if I place other widgets in there, the gap is removed. Please help! Cheers

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