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Art Design Stuff

Inspiring Collection of Father’s Day Poems 2014

Recently, we celebrated and gave tribute to our lovely mummies on Mother’s Day. Now it’s time to present a great tribute to our beloved Fathers. So, have you planned how will you celebrate this special Father’s day. Why don’t you plan a surprise for your father by writing a heart touching poem? A poem should […]

Art Design Stuff

Ideas of Gifts For Mother’s Day

There is a day that comes once in the year when you need to make your mom feel more special and that is one and only the “Mother’s Day”. Freakify comes up with the post of Ideas of Gifts For Mother’s Day. Wanna give your mother a special treat with a special idea of Gift! […]

Art Design Featured Designer

More than 30 Best Phoenix Tattoos

An enormous portion of the current age group loves tattooing and has a huge admiration for the art of tattooing too. Phoenix is a mythological bird that recycles its own life in six centuries and after which it burns up itself.  Its life cycle is in the legend of different customs like Chinese, Greek, and Egyptian […]

Art Design Photo Galleries Stuff

Best Photo Album Templates of 2014

An amazing collection of Photo Album Template is waiting for you. You just Guy scroll down and get 25 interesting and inspiring Photo Album Template. You catch you memorable moments into camera and then save into an album that snapshots.  For this purpose you have to go to the nearest market and waste your time […]

Art Design Photoshop

Amazing Collection of Geometric Abstract Backgrounds

Today I will be sharing an Amazing Collection of Geometric Abstract Backgrounds. Abstract art is basically the visual illustration of something which we cannot easily understand. Geometric abstract art is type of abstract art in which geometric shapes are used  that are placed in some non-illusionist space and then it is combined with non-representational composition. In […]

Art Design

21+ Best Typography Designs of 2014

One of the massive part of design is Typography. It has a great impact on your web design. Using a cool typography is the best way to spark up your content which is related to any design project. Typography is the best way to get the users’ attention. Just like a picture tells a thousand […]

Art Design Featured Designer Stuff

15+ Cool and Funny 404 Error Pages

The 404 error page is to get when user hit a broken link. It is a standard response code in HTTP. 404 error page is equally important as any website contains an enormous content. Through this visitors of your website will directly get an error message from the server. Because by clicking a link that […]

Art Design

50 Best Arabic Mehndi Designs of 2014

Mehndi is all time favorite item for girls and women of all age. Time has been changing with the modern conditions of traditions. Now the  girls not only want to apply mehndi for the traditional occasions but also they have given the mehndi into the shape of tattoo which girls mostly like to apply on […]

Art Design Photoshop Stuff

25 Top Infographics of 2014

Those who are related with design they must have heard two words, “infographics & data visualization”. But there is little confusion between Infographics Design and Data Visualizing. The terms “data visualizations” and “infographics designs” are often thrown around interchangeably. But to us, there’s a definite (although subtle and arguably tiny) difference. We use the term […]

Art Design Logo Designs Stuff

25 Top Free Flat Logos 2014

If you want to design a successful and professional logo without any technical error than these 25 Top Free Flat Logos 2014 are awaiting for you. These logos have their own charm and  has their own remarkable an unique characteristics. With the development of web, it has become necessary from the business perspective that they […]

Art Design Featured Designer

25 Best Premium and Free PSD Brochure Templates 2014

Today we are going to share with you 25 Best Premium and Free PSD Brochure Templates 2014 for your contribution in design inspiration. As we know that brochures are the most powerful source of spreading information in the society through advertising and promoting. If you want to inspire your client or customer these 25 Best […]

Art Design Featured Designer Stuff

Collection of Best T-Shirt Designs 2014

Are you to ready for some event and want a T-shirt that will best suit to you. Then don’t worry freakify is bringing an amazing Collection of Best T-Shirt Designs 2014. Specially it is a complete package for youth’s interest. Try one of the T-Shirts which are fully themed and with the bold text textures, best […]