Art Stuff

50+ Cool and Creative Ideas in 2015-2016

cool and creative ideas 36

Creative way of making a half fry.

cool and creative ideas 38

Making of a cool looking candle.

cool and creative ideas 39

Real life leaves can be used in makings of nice portraits

cool and creative ideas 40

Making of an abstract art portrait

cool and creative ideas 41

As easy as a laptop stand :0

cool and creative ideas 43

Fruit art can impress your loved ones

cool and creative ideas 44

Using more of your brain and ending up with a creative set of tooth paste and brush

cool and creative ideas 45

Making of beautiful pastries is not a hard job to do
cool and creative ideas 46

This knife can solve the issues of fighting over same pieces of cake for everyone.

cool and creative ideas 47
Nothing more than one word “Seriously!”

cool and creative ideas 48

Making of stone look for your new path way inside the ground/plot

cool and creative ideas 49

Free energy saver :)

By Freakify Editorial

The post was written by the Freakify Editorial Team. used to be managed by Awais, Maedah and their team before its acquisition.

8 replies on “50+ Cool and Creative Ideas in 2015-2016”

Thank you Ahmad! This is a truly a list that made me smile, made me do things. I am getting inspired! Check here for the love I have for you and it:

Thanks one more time for this great list!

really really cool ideas to help ease our work in those little ways in a very environment-friendly way! linked you in the roll of sites tat i <3! great work! ;)

Those were some nice and good inspirations to look forward. Yes these ideas made me to think out of box.

Great work and creativity works hard on this working as its not an easy task but you can use many unusable items to decorate your home or any place and the saving space is the most great Idea you have float.

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