jQuery Plugins

25+ Best jQuery Plugins for 2014

The topic of today’s post is round about 25+ Best jQuery Plugins for 2014. The following plugins will help you in optimizing your website.

jQuery which says write less, do more originally authored by John Resig designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML & PHP and basically is a coding of java script on the website that allows a dynamic experience for the users when they are browsing a website. jQuery is a free and open source software, licensed under the MIT License that helps in improving the navigation of the website and enhances accessibility of the website to many users. The jQuery library will also allow you to simplify the versatile applications like design animations and document management. If you are a newbie then with some practice you will also be able to create some abstractions with minimum animation and effects and also use high end widgets. The merits of jQuery included in as Ease of use, large library, Strong open source community, Great documentation and tutorials and Ajax support, and Functionality may be limited or jQuery JavaScript file required are some of its demerits.

Plugins are made for the ease of users by which you can enhance or increase the functionality of your web application. Enabling or disabling a plugin does not affect the core system or other plugins. Right now we are about to jQuery plugins so as jQuery is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries among web developers and designers therefore, many new plugins with amazing effects are created every day. Prevents Function Conflicts, Extendability, Chainability, Reusability, Encapsulation and Usability are some of its features which increase its importance. However, developers and designers prefer to use jQuery due to it abstracts many common tasks and allows to focus on application logic.

Following is a list of best jQuery Plugins to make your website fit, creative and innovative according to your website requirements. Finding the most appropriate and best jQuery plugin with marginal and light weight code is a tough job so we take out a selective but best list of jQuery plugins. Each plugin is associated to some unique and remarkable feature like you can get the best out of Slider, Carousel, Maps, Scroll and cropping plugins with you can resize, zoom, and crop, drag and move selection, you can zoom a certain round of image for maximum zoom as required, beautifully display text in quotes with flip transition, a unique price slider for any checkout websites to finalize the order and many more. So, enjoy the below list and give your website beautiful stunning view.

Read also:

20 Best Drag and Drop jQuery Plugins for Your Website

More than 10 Free Responsive jQuery Image Sliders

25 Best Free CSS3 jQuery Pagination Plugins 2014

#1- Flat jQuery Price Slider

price-sliderDownload Access

#2- FooTable Plugin

footable Download Access

#3- Justified Gallery

justified gallery Download Access

#4- Clock-style timepicker

clock jquery Download Access

#5- Slidebars

slidebars Download Access

#6- Gmaps jQuery Map Plugin

fusion-table-leyersDownload Access

#7- FormChimp – MailChimp ajax plugin for jQuery

formchimp Download Access

#8- OWL Carousel

image carousel example jquery Download Access

#9- jQuery Spellchecker

spellcheckerDownload Access

#10- Chart js

chartDownload Access

#11- Draggabilly

drag and dropDownload Access

#12- Interact.js

interact drag Download Access

#13- Sortable

sortable Download Access

#14- Scattered Polaroid gallery

scattered galleryDownload Access

#15- Viewport Image Resize

resize Download Access

#16- jQueryUI Limitslider

slider limitDownload Access

#17- Freewall

Freewall Download Access

#18- jQuery fontIconPicker

iconpickerDownload Access

#19- jQuery Flip-Quote

flip quote Download Access

#20- Bootstrap-dialog

dialog popup Download Access

#21- jquery.tabelizer

tabelDownload Access

#22- Facebook Badge Jquery Plugin

face badgeDownload Access

#23- Croppic

croppic Download Access

#24- JQuery Plugin for Google Drive API

google driveDownload Access

#25- Pick-a-Color

pic colorDownload Access

#26- Simple Vertical Menu

vertical menu Download Access

#27- jQuery Message Form

message form Download Access

#28- Magnifying Glass Plugin with jQuery and CSS3

maginify jqueryDownload Access

#29- Jquery Progress Circle

jquery progress barDownload Access


By Saira Gulzar

I 'm Saira Gulzar. I have Graduated in Maths, Stats and Economics and recently I have completed my B.Ed degree. I want to take up teaching as my profession. Writing has now become my passion and I would like to write on diversified topics such as Education, Health, and many more. Maths is my all time favorite subject so I want to have my command in this subject as well as on my writing skills. Besides it I love my family and like to spend my time with them.

3 replies on “25+ Best jQuery Plugins for 2014”

His Saira
Thanks for sharing this wonderful resource of jquery plugins. This huge list is sufficient to serve all types of jquery needs of online marketers. The only need is to pick the best one as per requirements and potential. You well defined each one to help the users get the best one for our maximum benefit. Once gain thanks a lot for such a hard work to benefit your readers.

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