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User Interface Element Comparison Between iOS 6 and iOS 7

We are to present you the user interface element comparison between iOS 6 and iOS 7. You will feel an exceptional change in both the models. The new system, i.e iOS 7, is far more delicate and beautifying than the previous version. So, here we go:

UI Toolbar

UI Toolbar is a lot modified and enhanced in the iOS 7 rather than the former version.

iOS 6



iOS 7


UI Tabbar

Another interesting change is through your way in iOS 7 form.

iOS 6


iOS 7


 UI SearchBar

UI Searchbar for iOS 7 ia a lot decent and eye-catcher than the one we have experienced before.

iOS 6


iOS 7


UI ProgressView

When you have to wait for sometime like when something is on downloading, something is in progress etc. you definitely would like to see something pleasant. Apple knows that really well.

iOS 6


iOS 7


UI PickerView

UI PickerView is really admirable as it more an attention grabber than the previous versions. Experience it.

iOS 6


iOS 7


UI NavBar

Another divine style through your way. Light colors always present better and clean look which indeed seem pleasant to eyes. Apple has worked on it and the final result is in front of you. UI NavBar, yet again, looks refined in iOS 7.



iOS 7


UI AlertView

UI AlertView for iOS 7 is quite intelligently designed as compared to what we have already experienced in prior systems.

iOS 6


iOS 7

img 13

UI Switch

Resplendent Switch interface is suggested for iOS 7. iOS 6 lacks behind here too.

iOS 6


iOS 7


UI Slider

A good looking UI Slider enhanced the elegance of this system. Take a look and judge yourself.

iOS 6


iOS 7

img17Though it totally depends on one’s own choice, we still are of you that the upcoming version is a lot more graceful, refined and radiant than iOS 6 which too was ravishing at its time. Well, choice is all yours. Enjoy the change.

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