If you are like many people, you probably just hopped online and subscribed to the first cheap hosting option that came your way. Or maybe someone you know recommended a hosting plan they are using and you thought, “Well, I’ll go with that.” So your business website is live, and clients are streaming in as […]
Category: Hosting
Website designing has come a long way, from being just static to dynamic like running small businesses. While there are plenty of solutions to build your ready-to-go e-commerce website, WordPress still remains- one of the most popular platforms to build on. Once you’ve built your WordPress website, the next important thing – is to host […]
Freakify brings out an important post for its readers about 15+Best WordPress Hosting Services 2014 which is literally searched item by the users. As WordPress is a unique platform for websites, blogs designs and developments, it is definite that the WordPress web hosting must have the best provider. When you are going to build a […]
Picking a Good domain name serves a big role in success of a website or a blog. Domain name of your blog is identity of your blog. People will recognize your blog with your domain name only. Also, domain name is first impression for your blog and always remember, giving a best first impression is […]
Freakify has partnered with bluehost to provide its readers a good deal of discount on web hosting packages they provide. Up to 50% Discount at Bluehost Hosting Accounts is a really big deal for some host. Bluehost is one of our best web hosting choices. We not only recommend web hosting from Bluehost but also support […]
Finding a well renounced hosting company for your website is a serious and a hectic issue. Freakify is providing a solution and now you need not to worry. We all know that Zyma is a UK based international price winning web hosting company which is gaining popularity every day. It provides its different services at very […]
Whenever you start any piece of work it sounds great if you own it completely. Similarly, when you start your own blog you want to maintain it, run it and design it the way you want spending the minimum amount. If you want to bring uniqueness and take your blog to a next level then […]