Finding a well renounced hosting company for your website is a serious and a hectic issue. Freakify is providing a solution and now you need not to worry. We all know that Zyma is a UK based international price winning web hosting company which is gaining popularity every day. It provides its different services at very affordable rates.
Features and Services:-
For those who know little it is for them to inform that Zyma is offering a lot of exciting features and services for its customers in the form of efficient web hosting. Once you’ve become their customer you need not to worry about you site. The winning of award itself speaks about the quality of the company. At the same time the services are very reliable as their servers are never overloaded. Your site is in purely safe hands and the dedicated staff at Zyma is always there for you 24/7 in case of any difficulty. Some of its exciting features are as follows:-
- Unlimited Web space
- Unlimited Traffic
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Unlimited SQL Databases
- Unlimited FTP Accounts
- Free Website Builder
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
- cPanel Web Hosting
- Moneyback Guarantee
What is the Giveaway?
Freakify is generously giving 10 web hosting accounts from Zyma with a validity of one complete year. Yes!!! Now you can enjoy the best hosting facility absolutely free for a complete year. If you really want to sit and relax for one year with best web hosting you should enter the contest right away.
How To Enter?
You just have to share this link on all social media that you are a part of and confirm your entry in the contest. Just hurry up as time is running out and this giveaway is valid for a limited time. The more you share more chances are there that you are the lucky one. Winners will be announced soon . Keep updated for the next announcement.
49 replies on “[Giveaway] 10 One Year Zyma Web Hosting Accounts”
it is great post by you admin and it is great opportunity for those who are new in blogging world to get web-hosting free of cost and i m hoping one as well.
Participated in 2nd Give Away ever. Hope I win this Time
Its a nice initiative.
Hey, I’m in.. Awesome Giveaway. I hope i win this contest to start my career on WP…
its awesome…………
Done all steps hope i win one a/c :)
Waiting for this kind of giveaway (y)
Very give giveaway. Participating for a friend Don’t need hosting yet. Happy on blogger :D
Hi Ahmad! Thanks for the giveaway! I’m thinking to create a new WordPress blog, but I don’t have any hosting, and so I was searching for a free best web hosting. And Finally I came to know about this giveaway from Facebook. Participated in it! Hope I’ll win! Thanks again!
This is a great information. I hope to win.
Whoa!!! One year free web hosting…..GREAT!!!
Thanks for this giveaway, Ahmad!
Cool giveaway :D hope to win :)
I am done with this hope i will win one of them
I would love to have this hosting account. My current hosting account is about to expire, and i am already exploring options to change it and winning this giveaway could come up as a big help for me!!
Hi, Done all the Steps mentioned above and count me in. Thanks for the Giveaway!
How come do u know that the sharing thing was done by a particular person no registration no login nothing ? ? ? ? Well then i m sharing on my fb page with over 10k likes .:) :) lets hope for the best
Really awesome and I too organized the Giveaway on my blog.
Hey, thank you for this offer. But there are already 1500+ entries :p I think I’m too late now!
Well subscribing to you and inshaAllah next time I will get it! ;)
One year free web hosting ….
Thanks for sharing information .
wow…..i was looking for the web hosting for my new project..participated and hope to win..!!!
just loving this site … is posting all the great content and giveaways…this is my second giveaway on this site hope to win.!!!
Sharing is the key
Keep sharing. Put a pic on your gravator.
Sharing is the key more you share more is your chance to win!
Well, there is a widget of this giveaway, share through its link.
You there :)
Keep sharing.
Sharing is the key to win.
Keep sharing. It will make you win.
It is like our 8th Giveaway.
Best of luck. Share it more.
Sharing is the key to win this and get your free hosting.
Why not :)
Share it well.
Good to go.
Good to share it.
Good luck friend.
Shared, tweeted and Liked :) Count me in, would love to win a year’s free hosting!
Why not :)
Sharing is caring :D
Oh great I should move to this one….
URL Removed reason (@ Click here)
thank you for this nice giveaway.
But I already did all this, now what to do?
By the way if it is hosting only ? why no domain with it
Thanks for this great information !
This Giveaway web hosting account will really be useful. Eagerly waiting for this.
Thanks again