Today we are going to tell you about the 25 Best Premium Ghost Themes for March 2014. The themes that are selected in the list are according to our readers’ desire. The following collection of Ghost Themes are responsive and well defined so that our readers and visitors can get complete review of these and can make their CMS usable according to their need of hour. So, what are you waiting for ??? Just click and do your best.
1.Gridy: A Responsive Grid Style Ghost Theme
It is a grid design and 100% responsive. You can use it as social sharing. It has featured image, light box, theme options and premium class support.
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2.Dragonfly – Multi-Purpose Theme For Ghost
It is flat design and fully responsive. It is built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.0. It has Isotope Filtration, infinite scroll, 15 color option and full documentation.
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3.Hardcover: A Beautiful and Elegant Ghost Theme
It is a classic design, 100% responsive and social sharing. It has featured image, Lightbox, theme option and premium class support.
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4.LogBook – Responsive Ghost Theme
It is based on Bootstrap 3. It is a responsive design, custom social media, and disqus comment. It has google fonts, HTML documentation and Font awesome Icons. It is easy to use and support YouTube, Vimeo, and soundcloud.
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5. Blogify Simple Flat Responsive Ghost Theme
It is an Awesome theme. It consists of clean and flat designs. It is suitable for personal blogging. It is fully responsive and light.
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6.Penman – Minimal Responsive Ghost Theme
It is a minimal design and has responsive HTML 5 and CSS3 layout. It has disqus integration, Font Awesome Icons, Social links block and custom fonts.
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7.Nonus Ghost Parallax Theme
It is responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design. and FontAwesome Icons also included. Flex slider, parallax effect, Disqus integration, clean and multipurpose design also included. It is built with newest Bootsrtrap 3and based on a unique design template.
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8.Helios | Modern Responsive Theme for Ghost
It is a modern responsive theme. It has fluid masonry layout, 6 ready to use color schemes, easy setup social links. easy setup disqus comments, and share buttons. It supports Vime, Youtube, and spotify. and is fully responsive.
9.GhostWall – Clean Theme For Ghost
It is clean and fully responsive. nIt is built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.0. It is Isotop filtration and infinite scroll. It has 15 color option, left and right sidebar option. It has featured image, video and audio support.
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10.RAIN – Responsive Ghost Theme
This theme is for writers. Audio files are included in it. Background is 100% dynamic. Photos are not included.
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11.Writr – A Clean, Bold Ghost Theme
It is fully responsive and built for mobil first. It has subtle CSS animation effect, disqus comments support. It is vimeo, Youtube and Sound Cloud supportive. You can add your own Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google plus profile.
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12.Gamma – Responsive bootstrap Ghost theme
It is based on Bootstrape 3. It is included with PSD files, HTML5 and CSS3. It is a responsive design and retina ready. Its Minimalistic design focused on readability. It has option to set feature image.
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13.Toffee – A Pin-Board Style Ghost Theme
This theme is fully responsive. It has clean masonary grid layout, Ajax post loading and Google Fonts. It is easy to follow documentation. It supports for Twitter widgets, Disqus Comments and Google Analytics.
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14.Parade – Responsive Ghost Theme
It is fully responsive. It is full responsive supportive for Vimeo, Youtube and daily motion. It is also full supportive for soundcloud and validated code. It has Google web fonts and cross browser.
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15.Suave Ghost Theme
It is a clean and responsive theme. It has two homepages design and responsive design. It has a beautiful layout and Typography. It includes seven skins.
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16.Storylane – Timeline Ghost Theme
It has a featured image, souncloud, Vimeo and Youtube. It has disqus comments. There is Google Analytics code included in it. It has retina display ready, responsive layout, Google Fonts, Text or Image logo and fully styled typography.
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17.Yokai — Responsive Ghost Theme
It is nice responsive and retina ready theme. It ha layered PSD and documentation. You can comments! with the power of disqus, Analytics! by paste of your code, social and featured.
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18.Phantom – Flat Parallax Responsive Ghost Theme
It is a very clean and flat blogging theme. It has parallax cover image, flat and minimalist. It is easy to install and configuration and is 100% responsive. There is 5 cover images and PSD included.
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19.Quarter – Responsive Ghost Theme
lt is fully responsive and has full response support for vimeo, youtube, soundcloud and mix cloud. It has HTML5 and CSS3 tableless design with validated code. It has Google web fonts and cross browser.
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20.mots. – A tasteful, responsive Ghost Theme
It is a responsive ghost theme. It has a simple cross browser, free environment, and disqus comments. It has custom cover image, logo image and author avatar.
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21.Nerdy: A Simple and Responsive Ghost Theme
It is as simple as elegant. It is built mobile first for speed. It is Vimeo and Youtube video supportive and also SoundCloud supportive.
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22.Moustachey: A Ghost Blog Theme with Extra Gusto
Its elegant as well as simple. It’s now built mobile first for speed. also Its is Vimeo, YouTube video supportive and SoundCloud supportive.
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23.Heroic: A Timeline Ghost Blog Theme
It is a timeline based theme. It included FitVids.js. It has an option of CSS3 animations and transition. It is fully responsive.
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24.Curri Ghost Theme
It is built on Bootstrape 3.0. It has Font Awesome icons 4.0, IcoMoon icons, Valid HTML 5 and Google fonts. It is retina ready and responsive. It has drop down mini menu.It is simple, clean and bold design.
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25.VNTG – Fully Responsive Vintage Ghost Theme
It is a clean design, has responsive HTML5 and CSS3 layout. It isretina ready. It has Font awesome Icons, Custom fonts, and detailed documentation. PSD is also included.
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One reply on “25 Best Premium Ghost Themes for March 2014”
Love this theme collection.