Today’s post is based upon Beauty & Health Majento ThemesΒ which you can seek for designing a site of your own choice. Beauty and Health are two basic components of a body which everyone intends to have the best way. People are much concerned about their beauty and health and thus seek for the best beauty and health tips.
So if your are running any related business or wish to run one like such then browse through the following great collection and get inspired by it. You can then design your own site’s theme accordingly. So have fun browsing!!
Beauty & Health Majento Themes
Savior Nonprofit Theme
- Multiple galleries
- Event blog with custom dates
- Blog
[m l = “”]Grab The Fun[/m]
Origin β Simple and Elegant Blog Theme
- Contact Form 7 supported
- Archive and Portfolio templates
- Translation ready (.po file included)
[m l = “”]Grab The Fun[/m]
Minima Minimalist WordPress Magazine Theme
- Theme Options
- Custom Colors
- Favicon Upload
[m l “”]Grab The Fun[/m]
Lasseter WordPress theme
- Translation-ready
- Custom archive page
- Contact form (Contact Form 7)
[m l = “”]Grab The Fun[/m]
SM Jare Responsive Magento Theme
- Support Magento 1.7.x
- Cross-browser: IE 8+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+ and Chrome
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid
[m l = “”]Grab The Fun[/m]
Perfu β Responsive Magento Theme
- User Guide Documentation
- Powerful Admin Module
- Back to Top Button
[m l = “”]Grab The Fun[/m]
Fashion Responsive Magento Theme
- Powerful Admin Module
- Possibility of another menu type
- Additional Navigation Link
[m l = “”]Grab The Fun[/m]
Dress store Magento Theme
- Powerful Admin Module
- Possibility of another menu type
- Additional Navigation Link
[m l = “”]Grab The Fun[/m]
Cosmetic Magento theme
- New Block on Product Page
- Powerful Admin Module
- Possibility of another menu type
[m l = “”]Grab The Fun[/m]
Lifestyle Magento Theme
- HTMML5 and CSS3 Supported
- 1 Layered.psd
- Cross Browser Compatibility
[m l = “”]Grab The Fun[/m]