If blogging success is what you seek, WordPress qualifies as the ideal blogging service and Content Management System. However “differentiation” matters, and so having your own style reflected in your WordPress site’s theme is a great way of saying – ‘We’re different from the routine’.
A lot of php files combine to create the visual appeal that connects your products, services and ideas to the viewers. The first impression, if not the last, is certainly a high impact on the minds of the viewers. These php files performing modular functions need to mingle perfectly for the desired appeal. From the header.php file that provides for the information at the top of the website, to the footer.php that contains info for the bottom of the site, and php files for functions such as itemized sidebars and post viewing filters – this is where the life of your website will reside! There’s another indispensible component in the form of the styling tool – style.css.
WordPress themes contain the site’s features and functions, and as a child theme framework having typical theme elements. The theme creation process begins with the configuration of Stylesheet. This is followed by generating the header using header.php, and then creating index file using the index.php. Once you are through this, insert the sidebar.php file to fill the sidebar. Now, place the code from footer.php in the end and create the archive using the archive.php file. To finish things off, construct the page, confirm the comments file and place the search bar.
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This infographics is designed by [do l=”https://freakify.com”]Freakify[/do] and sponsored by[do l=”http://wptemplate.com”]WPTemplate[/do].
5 replies on “How to Make a WordPress Theme Infographics By Freakify”
Ahmad Awais it is great info-graphic give lot of basic concepts behind this theme.
can you tell me how you have design this info-graphic
Great Effort Awais :)
When this kind of info is available here which will work more fairly then you should try it asap.
Great Post Thanx For Sharing It..Keep Up The Good Work….
it is an impressive post. keep sharing.