
Couple of Ways to Get More Likes on YouTube

Over the last few years, YouTube has become one of the world’s most popular websites. The site has more than 1.9 billion active monthly users and each minute around 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube.

With so much content in a single location, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. How do you make YouTube work for you so that you can get the recognition and visibility that your brand needs in order to succeed?

It all comes down to likes, but getting likes is no easy feat. Here are effective ways that you can get more YouTube video likes so that you can increase your brand’s popularity and authority.

Run a Contest

What better way to encourage Youtubers to like your content than to run a contest? After getting a certain number of likes on a video, hold a giveaway! Viewers always like knowing that they have a chance to win something by simply clicking the like button.

You can offer things such as a free product, a behind-the-scenes look at how your business operates, or maybe even a meet and greet session with yours truly.

A contest is a great way to reward viewers for their likes. Contests also increase engagement and are likely to attract new viewers and interests.

Post Videos Consistently

We’re creatures of habit. When your viewers and subscribers know to expect new content from you every Tuesday and Thursday, they’re much more likely to tune in to see your newest video.

No matter how often you post, it’s important that you post on a consistent schedule. This way, you get more views; which increases the chance of getting more likes.

Cross-Promote Your Video Content

When you post a new video on YouTube, you want all of your social media followers and connections to know! Another important part of getting more likes on your videos is to be as active as possible online.

On YouTube, you’ll want to optimize video titles, write a top-notch video description, and use cross-video promotion. Be sure to include captions and subtitles as well so that your content is useful even when watched on mute.

It’ also important to share your video content on other places including:

  • Social media
  • Your personal blog
  • Influencer websites and handles
  • Guest blogs
  • In comments

The more you promote your content, the more views you’re likely to get, which means more attention and likes.

Tell Viewers to Like Your Video

This may seem a bit too simple to be effective, but you can encourage viewers to like your video by asking them to do just that. YouTube can be a distracting platform, which means it never hurts to be upfront and direct.

At the beginning of each of your videos, encourage viewers to like and share your content. Many YouTubers forget to like a video they’ve watched because they get distracted by another video or something else on their screen.

Explain to viewers why they should like your video. Tell them that liking helps you to understand the type of content they prefer, or you can explain that likes encourage you to create more videos in the future.

Produce Like-Worthy Content

If you want to get likes on your videos, you have to post content that is like-worthy. Your videos have to be unique, fun, and engaging. They need to stand out from the millions of other videos that are already on YouTube.

When creating video content, make sure that you’re recording with a purpose. Are you trying to educate viewers or entertain them? Does your video answer viewer’s questions or make them laugh?

Videos need to be worthwhile and purposeful in order to get likes. Exceed viewer expectations and you’ll get the approval that you want.

Get Personal

Video content doesn’t always have to be informational. You can better connect with your audience when you create videos that have an emotional component to them. Emotion is what really encourages people to like, comment, and share your videos. By getting personal you’re able to really connect with your viewers and show the face behind your brand.

For more personal video topics, consider featuring people. Or tell viewers about a highly emotional personal experience that you’ve had. Tell your story, and you’ll be surprised at how many likes you get just by being you.

Research Your Competitors

It’s important to know what you’re up against when trying to get more likes. Take the time to research your competitors to see which topics they’re talking about. Look at their most liked videos and figure out a way to spin the topic to make it your own.

Do what your competitors are doing, but do it better. Talking about the right topics at the right time can encourage more viewers to like, comment, and share your YouTube videos.


The more likes you get on YouTube, the more successful your content will be. Keep these tips and tricks in mind so that you can get more likes and get your video seen by a growing number of users.

By Freakify Editorial

The post was written by the Freakify Editorial Team. used to be managed by Awais, Maedah and their team before its acquisition.