Fresh CSS3 and jQuery Tutorials
The ultimate collection of fresh tutorials that will teach you about a lot of creative CSS3 stuff as well as jQuery Snippets. In modern web 2.0 gone are the days when people used to have image sliced website layouts, where people used to create a website layout in Adobe Photoshop and slice it up, set up the different pieces of sliced images in backgrounds of divs or tables. This way was bogus and had been rightly accused for increasing Page Load time, which is an important factor of SEO. If you site has a good speed all you get as a reward is better SERP (Search Engine Results Page)
In this era of modern web, the sleek design and metro layouts have been introduced, in 2009 CSS3 and jQuery based designs got a lot of boost. Now-a-days, if you are not using CSS3, you are ten years behind from modern technologies. jQuery has always been there, whenever one needed to implement more lively features in combination with CSS3.
jQuery & CSS3 layouts are fast, you just have to include a little jQuery library from Google’s CDN, which in most cases is already present in an internet surfer’s browser, because most of the sites use it. After that small snippets provided below do the job. CSS3 has a lot of features that you and your readers will love. Some of them are like CSS3 is able to implement almost about anything that once used to be an image, coding. Your style sheet hardly exceeds in size and it only causes 1 Http request when a user browses your site he finds real speed in it.
How to Create Accordion Menu (CSS3+jQuery)
How to Create Login Form with CSS3 and jQuery
How to Create an Image Slider using jQuery and CSS3
How to Create Calendar using jQuery and CSS3
How to Create an Interactive Graph using CSS3 & jQuery
Making a Beautiful HTML5 Portfolio
HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery
How to Create an Upload Form using jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5
Swatch Book with CSS3 and jQuery
An HTML5 Slideshow with Canvas & jQuery
Creating an Animated 404 Page
Fancy Apple-Style Icon Slide Out Navigation
Create an Attractive Before and After Photo Effect with jQuery
jQuery Sequential List
jQuery Feed Menu
Portfolio Zoom Slider with jQuery
Sweet Thumbnails Preview Gallery
Colorful Sliders With jQuery & CSS3
Animated Form Switching with jQuery
How to Build an RSS Reader with jQuery Mobile
Parallax Slider with jQuery
Sexy Drop Down Menu w/ jQuery & CSS
Making Better Select Elements with jQuery and CSS3
Moleskine Notebook with jQuery Booklet
Create a Slick Tabbed Content Area using CSS & jQuery
Styling Buttons and Toolbars with the jQuery UI CSS Framework
jQuery Slideshows With the Cycle Plugin
Creating a Dynamic Poll with jQuery and PHP
Setting Equal Heights with jQuery
jQuery Tools: Scrollable
Create an Amazon Books Widget with jQuery and XML
How To Build Quick and Simple AJAX Forms with JSON Responses
Horizontal Scrolling Menu made w CSS and jQuery
How easy to create a slide tabbed box using jQuery
How-To: Reddit-style Voting With PHP, MySQL And jQuery
How To Create An Amazing jQuery Style Switcher
Bubbleriffic Image Gallery with jQuery
Expand table rows with jQuery – jExpand plugin
Overlay Effect Menu with jQuery
Effortless Full Screen Background Images With jQuery
Advanced docking using jQuery
Hover Slide Effect with jQuery
Animated Menus Using jQuery
Quick Feedback Form w/s PHP and jQuery
Use jQuery to turn off the lights while watching videos
Custom Animation Banner with jQuery
Google Powered Site Search with jQuery
Building a fancy jQuery header feature
Feature Suggest App w/ PHP, MySQL & jQuery
Compact News Previewer with jQuery
Creating a CSS3 Generator with CSS3, HTML5 and jQuery
Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery
Slider Gallery with jQuery
Let us know which one you liked most!
2 replies on “50 Fresh CSS3 and jQuery Tutorials”
I truly appreciate that you share this information. Thank goodness I found it.
A real good useful information over here. Thanks for sharing such useful information. It will help me lot in my buisness.
These tutorials are so easy a non programmer like myself can understand most of them. This rocks. Awesome!