Tips of Freaks

How to republish your posts with a different date in WordPress?

Republishing a WordPress post to another date can leave behind a 404 error in WordPress.Today I will tell you how to tackle with such stuff.It is kinda easy you have install a plugin , you need two hands and yes a head with brain in it :P 


  • Install this plugin in WordPress Simple-301-redirects.
  • Open notepad and keep the old url of the post you want to republished saved with you.

Step 1

After installing and activation of Simple-301-redirects plugin for WordPress go to Settings >> 301 Redirects, it will look like the screenshot below.



Now if your domain is and that post had the url link like and you republished it in 7th month now its url will be like (This depends on your permalink structure).

Now in the first box add /2012/06/some-post & in the second box add /2012/07/some-post.


All this will do is the url in first box wil be redirected to url in second one.This will be a strict 301 redirect, and will not be bad for SEO.

By Freakify Editorial

The post was written by the Freakify Editorial Team. used to be managed by Awais, Maedah and their team before its acquisition.

10 replies on “How to republish your posts with a different date in WordPress?”

Nice walkthrough! You may also want to consider covering how to REMOVE dates on a blog post. I recently removed all my dates, in order to make my content more “evergreen”, and not as date specific.

Nice work!


Great post. I usually back away from things that sound too technical, but I think I could try this. I like the step by step instructions.

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