If you are using Facebook right now, you might be able to figure it out that Facebook Messages are Not Loading / Working. When you open up the facebook messages tab, it just keeps up loading and gets you nothing but a blank page.
Facebook Messages Not Loading / Working
The Fb messages not working screenshot below can confirm the scenario, seems like FB is having hard time fixing this issue.
Not even this but the Alt + M new message box is also not able to send any message.
Let”s report!
Are you facing the same issue?
Are you able to send FB messages?
What is this happening at FB?
Is it having some relation to Valentine’s Day?
8 replies on “Facebook Messages Not Loading / Working”
now working
Awesome information thanks @Ahmad :)
Facebook Has been Fixed Now … I Think That Time Facebook Was Updating .. & Also You Asked Question That Is it having some relation to Valentine’s Day?
From My Side Answer is No … Because I Dont Think so because facebook never do such things on these occasions… :|
i had this problem on Tuesday night but working fine now.
ya sir….
i’m also facing same problem last night..
There was a glitch in their services.
Though its not a regular issue, its a timely post. Thanks for coming with this.
This happen sometime but I thought it due to internet connection but you have changed my mind with this information.