When you shop out, you definitely want the best for you at a much economical rate. And for that you do look up to various different brands, shops and markets. You prefer visiting their sites and try exploring the good stuff these shops have got to offer. The sellers are, thus, much concerned about their business and try bringing in the best things for their customers. They want their site’s theme to be much presentable rather catch, which portrays the real potential of the shopping centers.
In this post you will come across the 10 Best Shopping Magento Themes which are creative, innovative and a lot more than just being catchy. You can purchase them or even can get ideas out of them when creating one of your own. So take a look and we hope you have fun browsing!
Best Shopping Magento Themes
Excelente – Premium Responsive Magento Theme
- Google Fonts integrated
- Slide effects on `Related Products`, `Upsell Products` and `Cross Sell Products`
- Unlimited colors
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/excelente-premium-responsive-magento-theme/”]Watch out me[/m]
SM GameShop – Responsive Magento Theme
- Support 3 layouts for pages: 1, 2 or 3 columns
- Super Mega Menu, Css Menu or Split Menu
- Integrated Google Fonts
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/sm-gameshop-responsive-magento-theme-2/”]Watch me out[/m]
Mega Responsive Magento Theme
- Cloud zoom Images with lightbox
- Editable Size of Images on the product page
- Powerful Admin Module
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/mega-responsive-magento-theme/”]Watch me out[/m]
SM Ken Responsive Magento Theme
- 100% table-less design, based on CSS3 with many animated effects
- Support 3 layouts for pages: 1, 2 or 3 columns
- Super Mega Menu, Css Menu or Split Menu
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/sm-ken-responsive-magento-theme/”]Watch me out[/m]
Perfu – Responsive Magento Theme
- Easy Custom Home Page
- 2 Menu Variant
- Featured Product Slider Extension
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/perfu-responsive-magento-theme/”]Watch me out[/m]
SM eStore Responsive Theme for Magento
- Various color styles and typography by powerful Cpanel
- Custom wishlist page, cart page and 404 page
- Cloud Zoom for product images
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/sm-estore-responsive-theme-for-magento/”]Watch me out[/m]
SM Total Responsive Magento Theme
- Cloud Zoom for product images
- Integrated Google Fonts
- Social networks intergation
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/sm-total-responsive-magento-theme/”]Watch me out[/m]
SM Opit – Magento Theme
- Optimized for Fast Loading
- FrontPage, New and Sale Products Slider
- Accordion for Shop By and Categories panel
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/sm-opit-magento-theme/”]Watch me out[/m]
VClady – Magento Theme
- 12 predefined CMS blocks
- 12 pattern backgrounds
- Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/vclady-magento-theme/”]Watch me out[/m]
Cake Shop Magento Theme
- Scroller Thumbnail images in product page
- Cloud zoom Images with lightbox
- 100% Tableless design
[m l = “http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/cake-shop-magento-theme/”]Watch me out[/m]