
WordPress 3.9 Smith What’s New?

Welcome to WordPress 3.9. First of let me tell you I have contributed most in this one as compared to other versions. So, I am really excited tell you what’s new. WordPress 3.9 has a lot of refinements and it is made to be loved.

WordPress 3.9 Smith What’s New

Smooth Editing User Experience

Now with new version of TinyMCE is just great. You can easily format things in it. E.g. When you used to paste the messy formatting of your writer who gave you content in Microsoft Word. Now in this new editor it removes it automagically.

Image Editing is as easy as it could be

The updated visual editor has a lot of improvements

  • Improved speed
  • Accessibility
  • Mobile support

See below, how easy is it to resize the images

Drag and drop your images O Yeah!

Drag & drop your images directly into the visual editor, which makes your work flow easier than ever. I used Faster Image Insert plugin for this all these years, and now I guess I don’t have to tell you how much handy is this feature.

Gallery preview just like front end

The beautiful gallery grid which everyone used to find at the front end after publishing the post, can now be found directly into the admin panel. These gallery previews will be life savers for photography WordPress bloggers


Gallery Preview in WordPress 3.9

Header & Widgets with Live Privew

Theme customizer now allows you to add, edit or remove the header & widgets in a live manner.  No “save and surprise” — preview your changes live and only save them when you’re ready.

While customizing your WordPress Theme now you will enjoy the capability of WordPress 3.9 to crop the images for headers.

Theme browser looks stunning

Finding a nice free WordPress theme is a lot easier when you are using WordPress 3.9 stunning theme browser. Update your blog and find out about this theme browser in Appearance tab.

Under the Hood

Semantic Captions and Galleries

Theme developers have new options for images and galleries that use intelligent HTML5 markup.

Inline Code Documentation

Every action and filter hook in WordPress is now documented, along with expanded documentation for the media manager and customizer APIs.

External Libraries

Updated libraries: TinyMCE 4, jQuery 1.11, Backbone 1.1, Underscore 1.6, Plupload 2, MediaElement 2.14, Masonry 3.

Improved Database Layer

Database connections are now more fault-resistant and have improved compatibility with PHP 5.5 and MySQL 5.6.

New Utility Functions

Identify a hook in progress with doing_action() and doing_filter(), and manipulate custom image sizes with has_image_size() and remove_image_size().

Plugins and themes registering custom image sizes can now register suggested cropping points. For example, prevent heads from being cropped out of photos with a top-center crop.


By Alina Sofia

Passionate blogger, programmer, who cannot live without cats. Love them :) Right now the student of Engineering & trying to put more of what I think in words. Wanna hire me for content writing? Contact

5 replies on “WordPress 3.9 Smith What’s New?”

Ahmad, thanks for taking the time to go through this. I’d heard through the grapevine about being able to drag and drop images into the editor, and I think that is a really user friendly update.
I love the ability to actually have heads in my thumbnails :D

Thanks Sarah for loving it :)
I have updated few mistakes in the articles :)

Yes, I was using a plugin, it’s been years, Faster Image Insert. Seems like it is time we say goodbyes to such helpers :)

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