Adsense Analytics Blogging

Adsense Gets a NEW Layout

Adsense got a NEW Layout. It is now much similar to other services offered by Google. Google is trying to synchronize the look of every service they offer. Now if you go and browse Google AdsenseΒ you will find its UI much similar to Google Analytics


Adsense Gets a NEW Layout

Have a look in the image below to get a little idea about what Google Adsense looks like.


Much Similar to Analytics



What’s Good in New Adsense?

  • Cool feeling, looks nice to eyes
  • It is fast don’t know why but it loads better than the earlier one

You found any other thing? Write & tell about it in comments


Here is a little prediction, Google is about to update feedburner’s look now.


By Freakify Editorial

The post was written by the Freakify Editorial Team. used to be managed by Awais, Maedah and their team before its acquisition.

14 replies on “Adsense Gets a NEW Layout”

I’m totally up for layouts of front ends been changed. but why does it seem that they’re able to hide all of the important parts when they do make a change. I really hope I can find my way around the new AdSense platform. thanks for the insight.

it all looks fresh and clean to me. let’s face it a change in most cases it’s not for the best. if something works why try and fix it. I suppose though in 2 weeks from now when I’m fully used to the new AdSense platform I’ll be feeling just a home with it as I was the old one.

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